We have added Mumble to our services recently. Mumble allows you to have constant and highly encrypted contact with each other when playing the game, all without that pesky yellow notification icon above your head in-game.
To get mumble, go to this page and download the appropriate version for your computer:
Once you have installed the Mumble Client and allowed the audio wizard to configure Mumble to use the hardware on your computer. You will need to have access to a headset with a microphone in order to use Mumble without causing a lot of feedback which is annoying to the other users.
NOTE: During the configuration and initial connection with the server, you will see a message letting you know that the server is presenting and unknown certificate and will ask you to confirm. You should accept the certificate and continue.
NOTE: The reason that we require you to use a headset vs. speakers and an external microphone is that this combination can and usually does cause a great deal of noise and feedback which is highly unpleasant for other users, and they will likely mute to avoid the noise. Should you choose to use the voice detection feature to determine when you transmit, make sure that you have a reasonably quiet room so that we don't have to listen to the sitcom you are watching, or listen to your local news.
Another nice option is the ability to speak without having to push a button, however if you must push a button to speak, then you can set that up in Mumble too.
Sometimes getting the audio settings set perfectly with take a little time and testing. You can get to the audio settings after the first run of the audio settings wizard, but clicking Configure the Settings from the drop down menu that appears.
When you click on Settings, you should see the next windows pop up. If "Audio Input" is not highlighted on the left side of this window, click it one time with your mouse. This is only a reference showing settings which work for me. They may or may not work for you, but you are free to try these. Your equipment may require different settings which you will need to determine on your own. The second image below shows the settings which I am using for the "Audion Output" settings.
NOTE: You must click the "Apply" button after making adjustments while you are testing, for any change you are making to take affect. The windows may appear to be showing the effects of your changes in real time but it is not. You also much click the "Apply" button before changing from the "Audio Input" section to the "Audio Output" for your changes to be saved. This applies to all sections in the configuration window.
Now you must add the Allie Cats Revenge Server to your Mumble client. Click on the "Server" option in the upper left corner of the Mumble Client screen. You should see this window or one similar pop up on your screen.
Click the "Add New..." button. You should then see this next window pop up.
For the "Label" box, you can put something that makes sense to you. "Allie Cat's Mumble Server" might be a good thing to use.
For the "Address" box, you should enter:
The "Port" box should already have the proper value in it. If it is empty or says something other than "64738", then change it to "64738".
The "Username" box, can contain any name that you would like to appear in the user list on the mumble server, however it will be easier for everyone if you select a name that that people will recognize. Once you choose this name it will stay with you on this server forever. An encryption certificate will be automatically created and shared with he server to identify you and to keep your conversations private, even if you change your name at a later time and will always display the first name that you use, so make sure you like the name.
Once the boxes have all been populated, click the "OK" button. Now you should see the server you just added in your "Favorite" area near the top of the "Mumble Server Connect" window as shown above. Simple click the server name and the "Connect" button to connect up. If you have any issues with getting Mumble set up, or configured properly, please visit the Mumble Wiki and look for help in the "Documentation" area located in the lower right area of Mumble Wiki web site above.
When you log in to the server you will be in the "Root" are and you will need to double click on the "ACR" channel. If you will be away from your computer, please double click on the "AFK" channel so people will know that you are away from your keyboard.
Good luck and we will see you in the game and on Mumble.