Allie Cat

Sadly Allie Cat is Gone She Passed at around 2:15 EST today Sept. 22 2014:

She will be greatly missed by all her friends.

Good bye Allie we all love you very much.


You  know my mom and that she recently had emergency surgery for a twisted colon.  Since then, she has been recovering.  It has been a slow process but until recently she was making good progress.  About 10 days ago, she began to stall in her recovery, and 3 days ago she began to experience a lot of congestion.  She had an appointment for her last surgical consult and when we got there her surgeon personally wheeled her across the parking lot from his office to the ER at the hospital. Now 3 days later, mom has been diagnosed with lymphoma and the doctors have said it is very involved and spread quite a bit.  I could not for the life of me understand how someone that sees a doctor as often as mom does could get this sick this fast.  However, it appears that mom was keeping a secret.  She knew she was sick for some time (this is what she told me yesterday).  That she has lived a long and happy life and she didn’t want to go thru the rigors of cancer treatment which would have made her life hell and maybe not even made a big difference.  The doctors have said that she had less than a month left and will be coming home later today.  Mom told me she was ready for this a week ago and I refuse to listen because I selfishly was not ready for this.  She told me again yesterday and I think that I am finally in a place to accept that this is her decision to make and while I am still not personally OK with it, I do understand.

If anyone wishes to play on either of ACR Allies Urban Assault servers

and maybe they don't have HL2.  Please let us know if we are on the HL2 server and

we can come play on the HL1 server.

The same holds true for the HL2 server if you don't have HL1 and wish to game

and we are playing on the HL1 server let us know and

we can come play on the HL2 server.

"It is our intention to keep ACR up and running, both HL1 and HL2 and that everyone is welcome to come and play as often as they want.  Remember the good times when mom was there to shoot them in the head!"


From Tarzan

TARZAN 1937: sorry to hear the news i loved allie like a sister. my best to klink and the entire family. TARZAN 1937. I will see you all in the game. TARZAN 1937: ☹☹♥

 From Killer One Time For Me

 I am proud to say that Allie is my friend and she will be missed more than words can say.  We love you Allie!!!!

From Ozean

<ACR> Ozean: i actully dont really know how to feel... i have lost family member that touched me less then this right now :/
allie gave me a place to get my mind off things when times where hard

From War Torn Monkey

{V@G}{UK} WarTornMonkey: so so sorry to hear this please let her know i said we love her and tell her son the same

 From The Swede

<ACR>TheSwede:  i will miss her a lot she was so easy to get along with and cared fore everyone

From Black Cat

<ACR> Black-Cat: 4 once im speachless... Im drinking but still have no wall 2 rice against this...:(

From Sandman


    The years of knowing you changed my life in so many ways. I have thanked you often but still not enough for being such a great
friend. Your constant support in game and out were always a great proof of heart. I will miss your wisdom. So often you shared times that I only
knew through history, but through your eyes. You somehow found beauty even in times of depression. At times you were ahead of your time and others lost in
time and yet always with the times. If I had to pick a favorite time spent with you I would have to say every. I Salute you for the strength every soldier
should have, for the pride that so few have, for the love that will be truly missed.

         your  Jerry "Sandman" Langdon

........ for Allie 

All that those eyes have seen
Faded to eternal Evergreen
The hearts that have collided
In which you so long resided
Infusing like opium incense
With a spiritual presence
All that those eyes have viewed
Forever from time ensued
The subtle wisdom extracted
From whence it inacted
Gone like Sommer's green grass
Not more than clouds that pass
Crossing steel blue skies
That remind of those eyes
All that they have seen
Faded to eternal Evergreen
All that they shall see
What has been and will be
© Jerry Langdon 

You will be missed Bernice "AllieCat" Seeley 

From Grimlock

I just wanted to say that I am deeply saddened at the news of Bernice’s passing.  She was a wonderful person with a kind heart.  She was always very kind and encouraging of others, a very positive and pleasant person, it was easy to enjoy her company.  Often times we would just chat about Half-life or other miscellaneous topics of the day.  I always saw her as a rare gem of a person… She will be missed by many!

From Spits Laptop (the original)

God bless you Allie. 

You have been a very good friend.  You have always welcomed me and made me feel like a true friend.  I was humbled by your smile and your genuine good nature when I was able to meet you and your son in person on my way through.  Your honest warmth and heartfelt friendship will be truly missed. 

Thank you for being my friend.

<ACR> spit (the original) / AKA <ACR> spit’s laptop (the original)

From Madness

You know someone is special when you know yourself and your entire family will miss and never forget a person they never met in person.  Allie, it was my pleasure to gab with you and even shoot you when you blew your cover with a speaker above your head giving away your location.  From the Father of HELL RAZOR and BAT MAN I want to say thank you for being such a great influence on my young boys.  We will never be able to play half- life without remembering you.


From Batman

Allie thank you for letting me play with you since I was five years old. You and I had some great times on your sever that I will never forget. You kept me company during many summer breaks. One of the coolest cats I know! I will always be a part of <ACR> the greatest clan around!


From Hell Razor

Allie I will miss you greatly… Not a day has gone by the last few years that I have not wondered how you were doing.  Unfortunately we all grow up and I have not been able to play hardly at all like I used to when I was younger.   I miss playing with you on half-life as I did growing up for 10 PLUS years.  I Joined <ACR>  as soon as Allie started it.  I always loved playing with Allie she was a huge influence on me.  I remember going to school and all I would think about was getting home to play Half-Life with Allie.  I never got to meet you, but I feel as if I did through all the years gaming with you. I will never forget you.


From Tippy

by TrIPpY » September 24th, 2014, 4:48 pm

My sincere condolences. My thoughts go out to all family and all good friends of Bernice. I wish you all strength to bear the loss of this wonderful person.

I must say that i personally feel that this is a great loss to the "good people pool" on this world.

Though i have not been around a lot lately, Allie (as i know her) during all this time been (and ever since i met her) on my mind because I considered her (and still do) to be a wonderful and good person and i miss her dearly.

It won't be the same without you Allie.
Rest in peace.
From Knight

I miss her

it still hurts bad inside

                                                                             Some Friends At Play



Thanks and kill ya later,

AllieCat & Killer & Klink